Our Mission

Our Mission

Africa And Friend Affairs (AAFA) known as AAFA World is committed to eliminating hunger and reducing poverty in Africa and beyond. We recognize that providing sustenance to the less privileges is not sustainable, we believe true empowerment comes from equipping individuals with the skills, resources, and opportunities they need to transform their lives and communities.

Our mission is rooted in the belief that sustainable change begins with self-sufficiency. We are committed to teaching women the essential skills required to establish and manage their own community businesses.

Over 10.000 children still die of starvation every day in Africa and beyond. By empowering women, we uplift their children, empower families and communities, breaking the cycle of hunger and poverty.
With a primary focus on the African continent, where the challenges of irregular income and lack of support are acute, we embark on our journey from Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation. Through online collaborations and on-ground initiatives, we provide short courses and seminars, and workshop that empower less-privileged women with knowledge and tools for success.

Importantly, we provide financial support to these remarkable women, enabling them to kickstart their own small community businesses. Our approach is a generous investment of good gesture in a brighter future. No mother should watch her beloved children suffer from hunger to death, and we aim to provide the means for every mother to feed and nurture her family, especially those without any financial support.
We also stand as champions of innovation and entrepreneurship. We extend financial support to talented individuals and promising startups, fostering a culture of economic growth and sustainable development.